
Welcome to EyeCon 2018!

October 13-14, 2018
Marriott Las Colinas
223 W Las Colinas Blvd., Irving, Texas 75039
Phone: 972-831-0000
Online Registration OR Download Registration Form
You MUST attend specified vendor Branding Sessions to qualify for REBATE
See handouts below under Speaker and Course Information. No wifi or paper course handouts will be furnished on site.
Who can attend:
This meeting is for Optometrists.

What's Happening Now?

“Oral Pharmaceuticals in Anterior Segment Disease”
Blair Lonsberry, OD, FAAO

Sunday, October 14
10:00am - 12:00pm

Course Summary:
2hrs TPA/DP
This interactive course examines the use of oral pharmaceuticals in the treatment and management of a variety of anterior segment diseases. Topical areas include HSV keratitis, herpes zoster ophthalmicus, bacterial and allergic conjunctivitis, lid/ periocular tissues, uveitis and dry eye disease/Sjogrens.

Events Schedule

Saturday, October 13
Time Event
Sunday, October 14
Time Event

Course and Speaker Information